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REC voulunteers


See our current volunteer opportunities

and sign up for volunteer updates!


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Tuesday, May 20th, 12PM - 3PM

Come together to help REC's UGROW team unload and sort seedlings for our Community and School Gardens network.


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Wednesday, April 23rd, 1AM -1PM

Join the REC School Gardens team to help weed the hillside pollinator garden at Jacob Hiatt Magnet School.


  • How do I join a neighborhood garden?
    If you are primarily looking for a place to grow for yourself, fill out the REC Community Gardener Plot Interest Form. The REC does not own or directly manage member gardens; our staff can help connect you to the volunteer community garden coordinators at networks sites across the city. Please know that gardens in our network vary in size and structure; filling out this form does not guarantee you a plot. If a plot is not immediately available, your contact information will be added to a waitlist and you will be notified of any future plot openings. Priority for spring placement is given to those that complete this form by March 31st. Learn more about neighborhood gardens here!
  • Can I volunteer with the UGROW network?
    Yes! We post available community garden volunteer opportunites on our Volunteer page. If you want to see how you can help out at our School Gardens, email our School Gardens Coordinator at to express interest.
  • I'm looking for help with my backyard garden.
    While we support and encourage home growing, we are not currently able to provide material support for home gardens serving a single household. You can check out our Gardening Resource page for tips, tricks and helpful guides.

Don’t see what you’re looking for?

Email our Director of Programs, Grace, at to share your skills and interest and see how you can get involved!

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