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Soil / Compost
Soil Testing through Worcester County Conservation District
WCCD offers soil sampling to Worcester County landowners and occupiers. For a $40 per sample fee, their staff will visit your site and take soil samples for you. They will then dry your samples and mail them to the lab. If interested, once the lab has finished their analysis, their staff can walk you through the results, and can make recommendations based on your needs.
Soil Resources
Composting Resources
REC Plant Resource Guide: page 7 walks you through how to compost at home!
Black Earth Compost: Food Scrap Collection and Composting in Eastern MA, RI, & NH
Bootstrap Compost: Compost pickup service operating throughout Greater Boston, Rhode Island, Worcester, the Berkshires and Southern New Hampshire.
City Compost: Year Round Weekly, Biweekly & Monthly
Compost Collection Services throughout New England -
City of Worcester Free Compost Program
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